Generative AI Services (powered by ChatGPT) :

Chat GPT Finance Uses contextual understanding to extract and interpret financial data across diverse document types. It can infer fields like ‘Expense Type’ even when not explicitly labelled. Chat GPT HR Applies the same contextual capabilities for HR-related documents, interpreting and extracting relevant information beyond standard fields.

Machine learning Services:

ID Service Optimised for identity documents like passports and driving licences, recognising key details specific to these formats. Invoice and Receipt Service Specialised for extracting data from invoices and receipts, identifying fields such as invoice numbers and totals. Form Service Designed for generic forms where other specialised services may not apply. Flexible for various document […]

Web Hook

 Webhooks in UniFi enable unauthenticated, one-way data transmission for immediate execution, ideal for non-critical processes like real-time notifications where response verification isn’t required.